June 23 - August 1, 2025
- Priority registration for St. Theresa School students including NEW students for the 2025-26 school year.
- Registration for the general public will open April 1 provided there is space availability.
Eligibility (Preschool through 5th grade):
- Campers must be 3 years old on or before September 1, 2025
- Little campers must be Toilet trained with no pull-ups
- Activities for children entering Preschool through 5th grade.
Registration Fee: $40 per child
Program Details:
Half Day Camp: 9AM - 12 PM
- $150 - per week ($120 week of July 4)
- $840 - 6 week session
Full Day Camp: 9AM - 3 PM
- $250 - per week ($150 week of July 4)
- $1400 - 6 week session
Before and after Care:
Before Care: 7AM - 9AM
- $50 - per week ($30 week of July 4)
- $280 - 6 week session
After Care: 3PM - 6PM
- $100 - per week ($60 week of July 4)
- $560 - 6 week session
- Snacks will be provided at no additional cost
Included in Registration Fee:
- Camp t-shirt
- Camp activities: including crafts, games, special projects
Important Notes:
- Registration must be completed by March 31, 2025
- Payments/Registration can be made via the STS school store
- There are no makeup days/credit for missed camp days.
- Summer Camp Principal: Mr. Dan Roehrig, [email protected]
- Summer Camp Director: Christina Pfaller, [email protected]
Athletic & Activities Summer Camps
In addition to the "Kids" summer camp, Coach Schagar will be back for our intermurals and sports camp! Also returning this summer is Poms & Theater camp! Questions? Contact: [email protected]
- Intermurals Co-Ed Grades 1-4
- Sports: Grades 5-8
- Poms with Mrs. Stewart Grades 3-8
If you are a returning STS student or a NEW student transfering to STS for the 2025-26 school year, you are eligible to get first registation - Provided space is still available, we will open up to the community on April 15, 2025
Important Note:
- All Enrollment Continues until Max Capacity or Start of 1st Day of Camp
Intramurals Co-Ed Session#1 ($425)
1st - 2nd Grade: 8 - 9:30 AM
3rd - 4th Grade: 10 - 11:30AM
- 06/09 - 06/12
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Schager
Intramurals Co-Ed Session#2 ($425)
1st - 2nd Grade: 8 - 9:30 AM
3rd - 4th Grade: 10 - 11:30AM
- 06/23 - 06/26
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Schager
VolleyBall Camp Session 1 ($150)
Girls 5th - 8th Grade: 12:30 - 2 PM
Boys 5th - 8th Grade: 2:30 - 4 PM
- 6/9 - 6/12
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Nottoli
VolleyBall Camp Session 2 ($150)
Girls 5th - 8th Grade: 12:30 - 2 PM
Boys 5th - 8th Grade: 2:30 - 4 PM
- 6/23 - 6/26
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Nottoli
Co Ed Basketball Shooting Camp ($75)
- 11:30 - 12:30 PM
- 6/23 - 6/27
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Schagar
Girls Basketball Camp ($150)
5th - 6th Grade: 8 - 9:30 AM
7th - 8th Grade: 10 - 11:30 AM
- 7/7 - 7/17
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Schagar
Girls Poms Camp ($75)
3rd - 8th Grade: 12:30 - 2 PM
- 7/7 - 7/10
- M - Th
- Instructors: Coach Stewart & Coach O'Connell
Boys Basketball Camp ($150)
5th - 6th Grade: 8 - 9:30 AM
7th - 8th Grade:
- 7/21 - 7/31
- M - Th
- Instructor: Coach Schagar
Co-Ed Theater Workshop ($75)
1st - 4th Grade 12:30 - 3 PM

Vacation Bible School is back at St. Theresa! SAVE THE DATE!
We are looking for station leaders for music, bible adventures, crafts, games, and snacks. If you might be interested please contact Religious Education Director: Mrs. Elizabeth Vogt! See below for more information!